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Job Application

Additonal Training/Certifications (check all that apply)
Professional References 
Employment History
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I hereby confirm that the information I provided on this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and authorize the Ebenezer Child Development Center to verify its accuracy and to obtain reference information about my work performance. I release the Ebenezer Child Development Center from any and all liability of any kind and at any time related to the information obtained and used as a part of the application process.


I understand that, if employed, falsified statements of any kind or omissions of facts called for on this application shall be considered sufficient basis for termination of employment at the Ebenezer Child Development Center.


I understand that should an employment offer be extended to me and accepted by me, I am expected to adhere to all the policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the Ebenezer Child Development Center and city, state, and federal rules, regulations, and guidelines. I also understand that I will be accepting any position offered by the Ebenezer Child Development Center as an at-will position as defined in the Employees Handbook.

Thanks for submitting!

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